After the peer reviewing activity, our group decided to review our own film. We took in the advice and comments given by our peer reviewers. As well as rewatching all the scenes ourselves together. This was done to see if there had been any errors and any possible improvements we could make. We took a picture of the peer review sheet from our peer reviewers. We looked it over and took in their criticisms and their observations. Before this, our film wasn't "finished," because we didn't add any music or titles. Afterwards, Rafi added music and titles to it, so now we were more complete with it. We rewatched every scene, and noticed how some things would look better cut. As well as some scenes being sped up.
For example, the scene where I was picking out my clothes felt too long still, so we both cut it shorter and sped it us. The same can be said about the scene with Mariapaula's clothes. In this scene she is throwing her clothes onto the bed. This appeared to take too long, so we cut it and sped it up to fit much more nicely in the film. Other than small changes like that, not much else was needed to be changed. We also tried different fonts and styles for the titles, when Rafi was editing it. We settled on the current one, which seemed to fit the mood best. As well as the music. The music is not too hardcore or present to draw attention to it, but still present enough to add character to the film.